Students studying computer science at Carthage have many opportunities to enrich their education.
Ongoing Research Projects
Computer science professors are active in research focused on how professional software developers teach and learn from each other. Faculty regularly involve students in their research projects, and send students to present their work at major conferences. Many of these students go on to study computer science in graduate school. Current faculty-led research projects include:
Storyteller version control software
Computer simulation of materials
Parallel and distributed computing technologies
Aspect oriented software development
Game theory and computer graphics
Carthage has adopted esports as the first coed varsity sport on campus. A space in the Todd Wehr Center was converted into a gaming studio for the Firebirds’ practices and competitions.
Students have the opportunity to get placed into internships that expose them to real-world experiences that they can’t get in the classroom. In the last few years, Carthage students have worked at Sears, West Bend Mutual, FIS, Jockey, Thrivent Financial,, Milliman, Performance Trust, the FBI, and The Aerospace Corporation.
GPU Education Center
Visual computing firm NVIDIA has designated Carthage a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) Education Center, giving students access to hardware, software, experts, and educational resources in the emerging field of parallel programming. Our computer graphics course, game development course, and scientific computing course take advantage of this relationship.
J-Term is a month-long period of study in January when students focus on a single class. Computer science courses offered during J-Term delve into up-and-coming topics and technologies. Recent courses include mobile app development, web development, and agile software development. “I like the amount of face time I get with my students in J-Term,” says Mark Mahoney, Carthage computer science professor. “Long blocks of time to concentrate on programming and interaction with others is the best way to learn computer science.”
SURE offers Carthage students the opportunity to pursue an in-depth study of an area of interest with a computer science faculty member. Students receive a stipend, room and board on campus, and a small research budget. The program has been a part of the Carthage science curriculum since the mid-1990s.
Carthage awards two full-tuition Math/Science Scholarships each year to incoming students. These scholarships are awarded to students who demonstrate ability in computer science, mathematics, and other natural sciences, and are renewable for four years.
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